Want Your Own Practice, But Don’t Know Where to Start?
The decisions you make now will impact you and your income today and in the future. We are here to assist you to make the best decisions for you and your family.
Gather your team of trusted advisors.
- Start with your Transition Advisor and they can recommend dental-specific banks, attorneys, and CPAs to guide you every step of the way. We’ve done this many, many times, and want to share our experience.
- We understand money is a concern, but decisions you make now can equate to thousands of dollars that you may never recoup over your career, so gathering your team of trusted advisors is priceless.
Your Transition Advisor can help you:
- Understand the practice and the purchasing process.
- Assist you to do a chart audit and other due diligence to determine the cash flow and if it is the right practice for you.
- Work with your other advisors to set up the best entity for your practice, acquire solid financing, and ensure all necessary documents and contracts are in place.
- Make a plan to retain patients and team, and implement processes and procedures to help you to increase production and collection, as well as reduce stress.
We can help you with the process of buying a dental practice. Contact us today!